IWAKAN Magaszine Official Site
IWAKAN Magaszine Official Site
IWAKAN Magaszine Official Site
IWAKAN Magaszine Official Site
IWAKAN Magaszine Official Site




Iwakan: an uncomfortable feeling or sense of discomfort.
IWAKAN is a magazine launched in October 2020. It is the product of discussions, explorations, and collaborations with others, both within and outside of our community, who share this feeling. Though our exploration may present more questions than answers, we are nonetheless driven by our curiosity to keep moving forward. Using the lens of art, fashion, academic content, and more, we explore the ways in which gender, sexuality, and binaries inform our daily lives and intersect with every aspect of our society and world. We are a magazine created with queer people at the centre; telling our stories and expanding our understanding.

『IWAKAN Magazine』を届けたいのは、私たちを縛る常識・当たり前・二元論に嵌められることに違和を感じるすべての人。LGBTQ+コミュニティ向けの情報誌ではなく、むしろその周囲にいる人々にこそ届けたいと考えています。創刊以来、あえて紙媒体にこだわり、全国の書店を起点にこの議論の輪を広げています。今後もジェンダーイシューに根ざしながらも、カルチャー、デザイン、アートなどあらゆる領域とコミュニティを横断しながら、社会に変化を起こせるような活動をしていきます。

IWAKAN is a magazine not just for queer people, but anyone who feels uncomfortable with the status quo and what society has come to call “normal”. Since our launch, we have been a print magazine and continue to use print as a way to create opportunities for different people to question gender starting at bookshops around the country. Through art, culture, design, and our community, we hope to spark a change in the way society thinks about gender. 


Andromeda(アンドロメダ) Jeremy Benkemoun(ジェレミー・ベンケムン) Lana Kageyama(蔭山ラナ) Yuri Abo(ユリ アボ)

〝違和感〟を問いかける ABOUT IWAKAN Magazine



Iwakan: an uncomfortable feeling or sense of discomfort.
IWAKAN is a magazine launched in October 2020. It is the product of discussions, explorations, and collaborations with others, both within and outside of our community, who share this feeling. Though our exploration may present more questions than answers, we are nonetheless driven by our curiosity to keep moving forward. Using the lens of art, fashion, academic content, and more, we explore the ways in which gender, sexuality, and binaries inform our daily lives and intersect with every aspect of our society and world. We are a magazine created with queer people at the centre; telling our stories and expanding our understanding.

『IWAKAN Magazine』を届けたいのは、私たちを縛る常識・当たり前・二元論に嵌められることに違和を感じるすべての人。LGBTQ+コミュニティ向けの情報誌ではなく、むしろその周囲にいる人々にこそ届けたいと考えています。創刊以来、あえて紙媒体にこだわり、全国の書店を起点にこの議論の輪を広げています。今後もジェンダーイシューに根ざしながらも、カルチャー、デザイン、アートなどあらゆる領域とコミュニティを横断しながら、社会に変化を起こせるような活動をしていきます。

IWAKAN is a magazine not just for queer people, but anyone who feels uncomfortable with the status quo and what society has come to call “normal”. Since our launch, we have been a print magazine and continue to use print as a way to create opportunities for different people to question gender starting at bookshops around the country. Through art, culture, design, and our community, we hope to spark a change in the way society thinks about gender. 


Jeremy Benkemoun(ジェレミー・ベンケムン)
Lana Kageyama(蔭山ラナ)
Yuri Abo(ユリ アボ)

運営会社/Operating Company
株式会社ニューピース(Creative Studio REING)
〒141-0021 東京都品川区上大崎2-13-17目黒東急ビル1F